Spoiler Alert: I’m Actually A Princess

Last night was a monumental night when it comes to sisterhood and my two best friends from town; we are all officially single! You would think at 23/24 years old we would be a little nauseous over the fact that we’re not about to be heading down an aisle, but that’s not the case. As my friend’s relationship ended last night, the other one joyfully said, “Welcome back to the fun zone!” Ain’t it the truth! So like the mature adults we are, we ordered pizza, popped some bottles, and turned on a 1959 classic; Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. Less than 20 minutes into the movie we all realized how much we related to this tiny waisted, luscious locked, sings to animals, princess. Aurora was prancing around with her animal friends talking about the man of her dreams, “…he takes me in his arms, and then I wake up.” An instant, “same girl” came out of all our mouths. I began thinking, so in what other ways am I basically a Disney Princess?

So here are the ten reasons that every single 20-something year old is basically a Disney Princess.

#1) Enough said…


#2) It’s normal to dramatically throw yourself on the floor or nearest bed whenever you’re upset. The more dramatic, the better, the more princess like.

ariel-crying3 belle-crying

#3) When you need to get something from a dude, compliment him and look super pretty while doing it.


#4) It’s okay to see a guy one time and tell everyone you love him… even if he never saw you.


#5) Going to your pets for emotional support is completely okay.


#6) Getting a lot of unwanted advice from family members and friends because they don’t understand…


#7) …that you’re actually okay with being single.


#8) When you think you’ve met a guy who is “normal”… So your friends have to set you straight.



#9) Losing personal belongings when you’re leaving a party is actually pretty glamorous.


#10) But no matter what, you’re strong, don’t put up with crap and know that you are the most important person in your life.



“You have rejection and you have to learn how to deal with that and how to get up the next day and go on with it.”

Rejection beautifully explained by my girl Taylor Swift. If someone as successful as T-Swift can grasp the concept of rejection, why can’t you and I?

For starters, it’s an ugly word. Reject; one definition literally means ‘to cast out, or eject; vomit’. Even worse, ‘to discard as useless or unsatisfactory.” Is that how we’re supposed to feel when we don’t get something we really work for and want? Like useless bile? No wonder a girl will lay in bed for days when her crush doesn’t ask her out, a guy break down when he doesn’t make the sports team, and High School students stop caring when his or her dream school says, “sorry, we don’t want you”. But what about that twenty-three year old who thought she found her dream job, successfully completed two interviews and then woke up to the “We would like to inform you, we found someone else” e-mail? I felt like my ex was breaking up with me all over again. “Be a man! Call me or say it to my face!” “I’m too good for this anyway!” “Is this really happening?” “Now what?” “I need a drink!” Truth be told, needing a drink applies to almost any situation in my life. Anyway, I asked myself, “Is it the rejection that’s upsetting me or the fear of the unknown?” I guess you really can’t have rejection without some sort of fear. After my five-minute freak out, yes it literally lasted five minutes, I was back on the job hunt.

Maybe it’s my super positive and super annoying attitude about life, or maybe it was all the rejection I have dealt with growing up. Never-the-less, I was fine. What would being upset and bitter do about the situation? Maybe it was the vino, but I started thinking, “well if I didn’t get this great job, I can’t wait and see what better opportunity God has for me”, “I’m only 23!” and in the words of a close friend, “You’re still pretty”. Take it from the queen of rejection, you’ll be fine. Life truly is full of ups and downs, but only you can decide what counts as an up and a down.

Honestly, life isn’t short. It’s the longest thing you’ll ever do. So, the next time you’re faced with rejection, pour yourself a glass, take a deep breath, look in the mirror, smile and say, “I’m super pretty”.


Focus on the Good

To be honest, I wasn’t too fond of 2015 at first. Within the first week I thought the good life I have had was falling apart. I didn’t realize at the time what a blessing it all truly was.


What changed? My attitude. My best friend gave me some of the best advice I have ever been given; “Be selfish for once. Put yourself first for once. Just focus on you and don’t care about other people so much.” It took some time, but once I did, everything began falling in place. “A bad attitude can literally block love, blessings, and destiny from finding you. Don’t be the reason you don’t succeed.” Just a quote I found on Pinterest, but I love it! I have never been so focused on my present and future. I have been blessed with knowing what I wanted to do for my career since I was ten, and because of that it has turned into my passion.

There are reasons things “go wrong” in life, but really it all will work out in the end. And if things aren’t right, it’s not the end. 🙂


OOTD and some EB-ology!

Photo on 3-14-14 at 11.19 AM #2

What is more girly than a pair of hot pink patent leather heels? How about matching those heels up with a hot pink blazer, throw on my favorite animal print top, add some bling and BAM there’s my outfit today 🙂

It’s Friday and let’s face it, most of us are running on our last tank of carb-free fashion fuel. Now this may not be a scientific fact, but I have found a direct connection between how one acts and how one dresses. Like all other theories there will be exceptions, but trust me on this one, alright? I could have just pulled on a pair of leggings and a crew neck sweatshirt, but since that is not very different from what I wear to bed, I decided to spice up my Friday wardrobe and all before my class at 9am!

Need some advice, tips, and tricks on fashion, makeup, life, and being a women?  Check out my EB-ology page that will be continuously updated.

EB-ology #1: When you dress like you’re tired, you’re going to be tired.Yes, fashion should be comfort, but life is not a pajama party. Life should be your runway. So when you’re debating between look chic or wearing the sweats, go for the more stylish choice. Think about it.. no story about a bad day ever started with, “I wore this fabulous outfit today…”.

EB-ology #2: When in doubt, shoulders back, chest out. No, this one isn’t to show off your girls. Good posture increases oxygen flow which will make you feel more alert and will automatically make your outfit look much better. Clothes were made to be displayed well on hangers (that’s why models are so thin), not Kwazimoto. Come on girl, stand up straight! One more fun fact about good posture… you burn more calories with good posture as opposed to slouching.

EB-ology #3: Would Daddy say “no” and not let you go? If you wouldn’t want your Dad or Mom to see how you look, you should probably second guess your outfit choice. This rule applies more to night fashion, hopefully. Anyway, never let your outfit give a negative impression because you never know who is around you. Maybe the guy or gal at the bar is the same person who will be interviewing you in a few days. I’m not saying never show a little skin and never wear tight clothing. Seriously, as a girl with a tiny waist and curvy hips I am all for the body-con dress, but you have to respect yourself!

EB-ology #4: If your friends look lame, it’s you to blame. This can also be applied to the basic rules of feminism. Never let your girls go out looking like a mess, because even if you look absolutely fabulous no one is going to notice because of the natural disaster surrounding you. When your BFF asks you, “Do I look good?” BE HONEST! Before you answer her pause and ask yourself, ‘would I go out in that outfit?’. If she doesn’t look good just simply tell her no. You would expect her to do the same, right?

EB-ology #5: NEVER DWI and ALWAYS have a DD! This one is for those days when pre-gaming starts way before it should. Never DRESS WHILE INTOXICATED, unless you have a DESIGNATED DRESSER! Remember, alcohol inhibits good judgement. If you have no choice but to dress yourself while being a little tipsy, make sure you get 3 outfit approvals. It’s 2014 people, send a few picture messages, skype or facetime for a minute, or knock on your neighbors door. Not only will you be fashion saved for the night, but you will also be giving a few people a reason to chuckle. Girl, we have all been there. Don’t be embarrassed for what you are wearing!