Trust Fund Beauty

“Admittedly, I am pretty polished obsessed. I’m changing polishes two or three times a week at least. But hey, no matter what my weight, hair or skin is doing, my nails are always awesome. It’s my constant.”

Samara Granosky (Owner of Trust Fund Beauty)

Recently, I have been lucky enough to discover and all of their fabulous products! No matter how much biotin and other vitamins I take, I would still notice that some dark nail polish left my nails in super bad shape, so I began researching for a solution. Trust Fund Beauty’s products are not only vegan and cruelty-free, but they also minimize the amount of chemicals in their polishes as well. I was beyond excited when I knew my polishes were on their way in the mail!

What makes these polishes so great? Let’s start with the color names. Resting Bitchface, I Woke Up Like This, Champagne Socialite, Boy Tears,  and Black Heart just to name a few.


“Put them in a bottle, you deserve it”

Well after a few business days my new nail polish had arrived and I was like a child on Christmas morning! I didn’t know which to try first as I opened up the cute little boxes they all came in! THE GLITTER ONE! Boy Tears caught my eyes and a hold of my heart. So. Much. Glitter. I laid on a coat, and then another and my nails were shining like the top of the Chrysler Building! Do you ever go to put on a glitter polish and it’s basically clear coat with a few specks? Well not with Boy Tears. The sparkle and coverage was beyond expectations and I got compliments all week!


Truth be told, I typically don’t wear a clear top coat over my nail polish because I like to change it so much, so when it came to remove the Boy Tears from my finger nails,


“They wouldn’t understand. It’s hard to have money. You have too many choices! It’s a lot of pressure. Drink up!”

it was simple with regular nail polish remover and a few cotton balls! Champagne Socialite was the next on my list! It’s gold without being too gold, but has a nice metallic to it! A problem I have encountered with light golds in the past is that it takes about 3-4 coats to get a good even gold. Fortunately, this only took two coats with minimal dry time in between each coat! Seriously! Like less than a minute! In fact, my roommate loved the color so much, she applied it to her nails when our ride to the bars was 5 minutes away! Her nails looked awesome! Literally looked like we had metal on our nails!

A few days later, I became bored of my nails (me being me) and wanted something a little on the darker side. The perfect solution; Resting Bitchface! I I seriously can not express how beautiful and amazing this color is! I can


“Nothing is wrong, I’m not mad. That’s just my face”

describe it by simply saying, “It’s out of this world!” Seriously, like very extraterrestrial! 100% my favorite so far! Just like the others, dry time was minimal and I only needed two coats! I can officially say that I am completely obsessed and highly recommend nail polish from Trust Fund Beauty! Can not wait to try on the others I ordered and tell you all about them! ❤

Click HERE to shop, shop, shop!!!





Impressed with Impress

“Your nails are a reflection of yourself”

Fact. That is exactly why I always try to have my manicure looking top notch. Let’s get real tho, it can be super time consuming to constantly be painting your nails or really expensive to keep up with your fills at the salon. SO, if you’re like me and really enjoy having professional and trendy looking nails on a budget, keep on reading!


The original packaging, which is still in some stores, were made to look like cute little bottles of nail polish.

Senior year of college in NYC, my roommate and I were walking thru Times Square and saw a sign that said “FREE MANICURES”. The world free always catches a college students attention. We made our way to the commotion and a group of women, from the Impress Manicure Company, were giving away free packs of their new products. These products just so happened to be press on nails. Retail for around $10. I took a few packages never thinking I would actually use them. Like come on, I haven’t used press on nails since I was like seven. Well, fast forward a few weeks and I gave them a shot. Followed the instructions word for word and BAM! For the next two weeks I was getting complimented on my manicure! People were assuming they were actually gel nails because they had such a great shine to them! I was hooked! Oh and yes, you did read that right.. TWO WEEKS!

I’ve always been one to obsess over instructions on beauty products, so let me give you a run thru on the instructions and highlight the most important steps. By the way, it usually only takes 15 minutes or less once you get the hang of it.

ImPRESS Accent Press-on manicure

These are the packages I have seen more and more lately! They constantly come out with new designs and trendy colors!

Each package contains 24 nails. Obviously you only need 10, but there are 12 different sizes to ensure you get them to fit your nails correctly. The first thing I always do is, besides taking my nail polish off, is trimming my nails down because you don’t want your nails to be longer and poke thru underneath. Next, I pour out all the nails, find one for each finger and lay them out left on one side and right had on the other, so I don’t mix any up. Never start with your thumbs! It will make the process a lot harder than it needs to be, trust me. With that said, start with your pointer finger, find the nail that fits, slowly remove the plastic strip from the bottom and gently press it on your nail. Press it on in almost a rolling motion and do that for about a minute. In the past I have just plopped it on and pressed it once, and well those came off in a few days. Anyway, just do your thumbs last and enjoy your new beautiful manicure!


They even have ones for your toes that are just as easy!!! I am addicted to using them in the summer!

Removal is just as easy! Gently peel them off! I usually wear them until it’s obvious my nails are growing under them and I go pop on a new pair! The only con I can really think of is, if you’re like me, I constantly run my fingers thru my hair and sometimes my hair gets caught under the fake nail. Besides that, they are nearly perfect!!

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My current Impress Mani. I’ve had these babies on for about 13 days now. There is some nail growth, but I will probably wait a few more days before I change them out!

OOTD and some EB-ology!

Photo on 3-14-14 at 11.19 AM #2

What is more girly than a pair of hot pink patent leather heels? How about matching those heels up with a hot pink blazer, throw on my favorite animal print top, add some bling and BAM there’s my outfit today 🙂

It’s Friday and let’s face it, most of us are running on our last tank of carb-free fashion fuel. Now this may not be a scientific fact, but I have found a direct connection between how one acts and how one dresses. Like all other theories there will be exceptions, but trust me on this one, alright? I could have just pulled on a pair of leggings and a crew neck sweatshirt, but since that is not very different from what I wear to bed, I decided to spice up my Friday wardrobe and all before my class at 9am!

Need some advice, tips, and tricks on fashion, makeup, life, and being a women?  Check out my EB-ology page that will be continuously updated.

EB-ology #1: When you dress like you’re tired, you’re going to be tired.Yes, fashion should be comfort, but life is not a pajama party. Life should be your runway. So when you’re debating between look chic or wearing the sweats, go for the more stylish choice. Think about it.. no story about a bad day ever started with, “I wore this fabulous outfit today…”.

EB-ology #2: When in doubt, shoulders back, chest out. No, this one isn’t to show off your girls. Good posture increases oxygen flow which will make you feel more alert and will automatically make your outfit look much better. Clothes were made to be displayed well on hangers (that’s why models are so thin), not Kwazimoto. Come on girl, stand up straight! One more fun fact about good posture… you burn more calories with good posture as opposed to slouching.

EB-ology #3: Would Daddy say “no” and not let you go? If you wouldn’t want your Dad or Mom to see how you look, you should probably second guess your outfit choice. This rule applies more to night fashion, hopefully. Anyway, never let your outfit give a negative impression because you never know who is around you. Maybe the guy or gal at the bar is the same person who will be interviewing you in a few days. I’m not saying never show a little skin and never wear tight clothing. Seriously, as a girl with a tiny waist and curvy hips I am all for the body-con dress, but you have to respect yourself!

EB-ology #4: If your friends look lame, it’s you to blame. This can also be applied to the basic rules of feminism. Never let your girls go out looking like a mess, because even if you look absolutely fabulous no one is going to notice because of the natural disaster surrounding you. When your BFF asks you, “Do I look good?” BE HONEST! Before you answer her pause and ask yourself, ‘would I go out in that outfit?’. If she doesn’t look good just simply tell her no. You would expect her to do the same, right?

EB-ology #5: NEVER DWI and ALWAYS have a DD! This one is for those days when pre-gaming starts way before it should. Never DRESS WHILE INTOXICATED, unless you have a DESIGNATED DRESSER! Remember, alcohol inhibits good judgement. If you have no choice but to dress yourself while being a little tipsy, make sure you get 3 outfit approvals. It’s 2014 people, send a few picture messages, skype or facetime for a minute, or knock on your neighbors door. Not only will you be fashion saved for the night, but you will also be giving a few people a reason to chuckle. Girl, we have all been there. Don’t be embarrassed for what you are wearing!